Make sure you pick the right date and time. If you don't and require a date/time change there will be a $10 charge to make the change. And this is only if the new date/time slots have tickets left. You must email us at [email protected] to request the change.
- Tickets are non-refundable. The only exception is if we cancel due to rain, which if we do you will receive a 100% refund.
- Multiple tickets can be purchased by one person. Just make sure you have the QR code from the E-Ticket or a paper copy.
- Show up 10-15 minutes before your designated time slot
- Tickets are non-transferable. You cannot transfer them to another person.
- Please expect wait times between 45-60 minutes for the regular line.
- Express Ticket wait times are between 10-20 minutes.
- Regular and express tickets are available for 7 PM, 730 PM, 8 PM, 830 PM, 9 PM, 930 PM & 10 PM.
- Please note: this is considered a medium-high level scare event. We have 30+ actors that are trained to scare the crap out of you.This is not for the faint at heart. We do not recommend young children attend this event. We have a daytime version with no actors that is much more suitable for younger children.
Assurez-vous de choisir la bonne date et la bonne heure. Si vous ne le faites pas et avez besoin d'un changement de date/heure, des frais de 10 $ vous seront facturés pour effectuer le changement. Et ce uniquement s’il reste des billets pour les nouvelles plages horaires/dates. Vous devez nous envoyer un e-mail à [email protected] pour demander le changement.